25 Apr Empathy

This week we’re talking about Empathy. Let’s talk about extending it and how it benefits everyone. Empathy is in short supply right now, and we need to bring it back to the forefront.
Links to check out:
The George Floyd Policing Act: .https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/7120
The bill facilitates federal enforcement of constitutional violations (e.g., excessive use of force) by state and local law enforcement. Among other things, it does the following:
- lowers the criminal intent standard—from willful to knowing or reckless—to convict a law enforcement officer for misconduct in a federal prosecution,
- limits qualified immunity as a defense to liability in a private civil action against a law enforcement officer or state correctional officer, and
- authorizes the Department of Justice to issue subpoenas in investigations of police departments for a pattern or practice of discrimination.
The bill also creates a national registry—the National Police Misconduct Registry—to compile data on complaints and records of police misconduct.
It establishes a framework to prohibit racial profiling at the federal, state, and local level
Last week’s episode: Trauma Check: https://www.buzzsprout.com/851650/8353878-trauma-check.mp3?blob_id=37986300&download=true
The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz: https://www.miguelruiz.com/the-four-agreements
- Don’t take anything personally
- Don’t Make Assumptions
- Be Impeccable with your word
- Always do your best
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